Friday, November 14, 2008

Wave Bye-Bye

Well, I don't have a picture, but Sweetpea waved goodbye for the first time today!

I know, it doesn't seem like much, but it was such a perfect little wave, with her hand up, and her little hand opening and closing... it just couldn't be mistaken for anything else!

We were visiting our neighbors who have a new baby, and when we went to leave, I told her to wave bye-bye to the baby, (who she'd been watching since we arrived). So I waved, and then Sweetpea's little hand went up and she did too!

Well, anyway, I just couldn't be prouder!

And since I don't have a picture, I'll just post one of the cat, in the "outfit" I got him off the Halloween clearance rack at Target. Why else does one have a blog if not to share pictures like this!?

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