Saturday, April 17, 2010

a good garden day

Natalie and I have spent a few afternoons this week getting our garden plots ready for planting. This has included pulling out old plants, (and carrots) and lots and lots of weeds! We made the mistake of adding lemon balm to our compost two falls ago, and are still paying for it with the invasive little bugger popping up just about everywhere in the yard. At least it smells good.

Anyway, this morning we laid down some fresh dirt and finally got planting. We're a bit late on our lettuce and spinach, but right on schedule for many other things. DH had to tighten up our boxes a bit before we could really get going.
And Natalie needed a lunch break partway through.
We moved her meal where she could see better, and she also got a power tool lesson from dad. It's never too early to learn these things.
And then we finally got around to the planting. Now in the ground are peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce, potatoes, and onions. More to come around Mothers' Day.
And the rain that had been threatening us all morning held off 'till the last seed was going in! A perfect day in the garden, (followed by a perfect nap!)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Your garden looks great! I am jealous! We are house hunting and have to wait for our own garden for now.
Your little one is so cute :)