Friday, April 30, 2010

a sight from the past

We thought it would be harder, but it wasn't so bad: Natalie is finally done with her pacifier. We usually only let her have it when it was naptime or bedtime, but it came to be her go-to plea whenever she got hurt or didn't get what she wanted. We'd hear her say "pacifier!" and then run into her room and come out with it hanging out of her mouth.

So when she was comfortably adjusted to her "big girl bed", (i.e. the new toddler bed that has replaced her crib) we decided that the old pacifier was looking a bit worn out. And sure enough, it broke shortly thereafter!
A pair of scissors might have had something to do with it, (as recommended by Nat's pediatrician). Natalie hung onto her broken pacifier for about a week, and then her dad mentioned to her that since it was so broken, and since she was a big girl now, maybe she might have to throw it away soon. She said "OK", and went right to the trash and dumped it there! We weren't sure if she understood the implications of her action, but figured now was as good a time as any. That afternoon at naptime we settled for a story with her blanket and no pacifier. She started to ask for it and said "paci- I throw my pacifier in the trash can".

And that was the end of that.

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