Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It was a very Christmasy weekend.

Yesterday, though the weather was beautiful, it really started to feel like Christmas is on its way.

We started out the day with one of my favorite Holiday traditions: Waiting in line for our KBCO Studio C cd. We got there at 10:00am and found line was moving pretty quick - even though the line was wrapped around the building. We got out of there by 11:30 with our discs in hand. This year was the 20th Anniversary of KBCO's studio C so, it was a special 2 disc volume. I'm only missing 5 or 6 discs out of the 20. I think SweetPea enjoyed their time in line, people watching and getting some fresh air. We did miss Berlin, as he was our usual company for the event.

Last night we continued in the Christmas spirit by getting out all of our decorations and putting up our tree. SweetPea likes the tree, but not as much as Chewy, who is glad to have another comfy spot to lay.
Sweetpea did enjoy the beads. Check out her military crawl.

This morning, I volunteered with the Humane Society for their annual Photos with Santa. I loved seeing everyone dressed up for their Holiday card pictures.

SweetPea and her dad met me for lunch at our favorite burger joint, The Mountain Sun, on Pearl Street. We enjoyed the very unseasonable weather walking on the mall and got coffees from the bookstore coffee shop. Unfortunately, we forgot our camera.

It was an all together perfect weekend except on our way home from Pearl St., something happened to the clutch of our care. Luckily, we were close enough to my car to get that, and get the other car to the Subaru dealership. We'll find out what's wrong with in tomorrow.
For those of you who were persistant enough to read this post till the end, here's another video of Sweetpea chasing after her favorite would-be toy: Chewy! When she can really crawl, he's going to be in trouble... or maybe she will!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Love the videos, how precious! Thanks for sharing!