Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Story Time at the book store!

Who knew there were so many free story times around?! I'm going to go to this all the time... it was so fun! And there were free snacks afterwards... for the kids... but Sweetpea didn't want hers so I ate it!

I think she was the littlest kid there, but she was so good... she watched the nice lady read the lost mitten story, (was that what it was called? I wasn't paying attention she was just being too cute to resist!) And when other kids who couldn't sit still got in between her and the book, she tried to look around them to see!! What a good girl!!
After the story there were songs with rattles and hand gestures, and after the songs there were bubbles! It was all very engaging and kept her attention the whole time.
I'd probably go back for the hot cocoa and whipped cream alone!

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