Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lots happening, no pictures!!

Well, we've had a busy week since I last posted, and I do have lots to share! I'll go in backwards order to explain the lack of pictures!

Today we found out our camera is broken! We took pictures yesterday at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival, but didn't load them up so... there you have it. We didn't load them onto the computer because the camera chord is still at my dad's house from when we house/dog sat last week. There are many great pictures on the camera though, which I hope to get off the card before too long.

The pictures include many good ones from last week of my DH and Natalie because, unfortunately, last week he was able to spend a lot of time with us because he got laid off!! We found out he was jobless on Wednesday morning, and since then we've been having a nice little vacation at home. We've gotten a lot of work done around the house and garden, and even went to the local children's museum. I've also gotten a bit of job hunting done, and DH will begin this week in earnest.

Last weekend, (while we were still blissfully ignorant of our new status as an unemployed couple!) we also did quite a bit of fun stuff. We went to the zoo again for a members only early morning opening. And we went out for a stroll and lunch in Old Town Littleton, which was a very cute part of town. We took my dad's crazy dogs for a number of fun walks and Frisbee catches. We enjoyed a nice picnic up in Nederland by the lake, and we had a great dinner at the Med and a stroll around Pearl Street!

This week we're both going to continue in our job searches. We're also both working on some artwork for a showing at the Erie Library that we'll be doing in September!

Natalie continues to be an amazing baby! She is walking faster than ever, and has a terrific sense of humor! She's becoming quite an actress as well, and can laugh and cry at the drop of a hat if she thinks it will get her what she wants! She has also started to make a funny face, (I'd show you if the pictures were loaded up!!). She wrinkles up her nose like she smells something bad. She knows it's a funny face, and has started to do it when you ask her to!

Today we discovered that she really likes watermelon! (Who doesn't?!) She can clean an inch thick wedge down to the rind using her six little teeth, (three on top and three on bottom). We had to change her outfit three times, and we went through as many bibs today. Tomorrow she's eating it naked!!

So that's it in a nutshell! Okay, a big nutshell! Hopefully soon I'll have a bunch of pictures for you of our week's adventures! I hope you all had a great Independence Day! We had a very nice weekend!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Thanks again for the great weekend! I had a lot of fun at the arts festival and at your BBQ.