Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching up on Pictures Part I

Well, we gave in and got a new camera! What a time for it, but it was impossible not taking pictures of Natalie! She changes so much every day, and I just have to be able to capture her budding personality! So here are some pictures from the week we spent at my dad's. I've got more scheduled for tomorrow of the weekend after, through the 4th, which were the last pictures on the old camera. Thank goodness the memory cards were the same so the transition was seamless!

Looking at Simon, under the bed.

Playing with my old Sylvanians! Check out those mosquito bites on the forehead!

Watching the dogs run with the Frisbee.

Picnic in Ned.

Ummm.... Beer.

Stinky Rudy got a bath... Why do dogs roll in such foul smelling stuff?! Ick.

This was our week... telling Rudy to leave the cat alone. He didn't.

More beer at the Louisville Fair.

Kid in an candyshop. Or is it shoppe?

First pigtails and her new, stinky face!! She's starting to do this one on command. Check out all those teeth! There are three each on the top and the bottom.

Cuter face and pigtails.

These water fountains are our new favorite thing! I'm going to have to carry a swim diaper and swimsuit around all summer I think in case we find one.

On Pearl Street.

And she climbed this rock all by herself! She's starting to be a little mountain goat!

Check back tomorrow for more pictures.

I'm feeling a bit head coldy, but if I get better, we're going camping for the first time tomorrow, so I won't be able to post more pictures 'till we get back! But they should be good ones if we do go! I'm excited!

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