Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hard to explain

Natalie is learning so many things these days. Her vocabulary is getting very big, and as long as we're paying attention, DH and I can usually figure out what she's trying to tell us. Okay, "potty" sounds a lot like "Barney", so there's some work to be done there, hey, it's a start! I can't say what her first word was, but a few of the ones that are pretty easily discernible now include: mommy, daddy, yummy, book, baby, doggie, duck, up, down, more, please, boom, yeah, and no. She still is having some trouble with the K-C sound, and says "dat" instead of "cat", but that's not too bad. She also says her name when you ask her what it is, though that's not all that easy to understand yet, and she knows what a cow, horse, and sheep , and dog say.

We're having a bit of trouble with a couple of concepts though. To be specific, spitting and blowing! Why would these be so important, you might wonder? Well, she's grasped that when her nose is bothering her, she can blow it in a tissue. She likes to do that, and knows that she is "blowing". She also has a little whistle that she likes to blow. So telling her to blow can be a bit confusing. We want her to learn to blow out when she's swimming so she doesn't drink water and can eventually hold her breath going under. When we ask her to blow bubbles in the water she closes her mouth and blows through her nose! Spitting is also becoming important since we're supposed to brush her seven teeth twice a day. We want her to rinse and spit before we get her on a regular toothpaste regimen, but so far efforts in spitting lessons have resulted in much water drunk, followed by leaning over the sink and forcing out tiny bits of spittle. Pretty comical actually, and Natalie loves the practice!

The pictures following have nothing to do with the above! Just a few random ones from our weekend, which was spent mostly at Pearl Street.

Here she is saying "bye-bye" to some poop! Potty time is actually mostly "magazine reading time" and becoming one of Nat's favorite pastimes. Note the potty seat ring on her bottom!

Here she is with her dad, walking through the rocks on Pearl.

And playing in the water.

The following day, waiting for some friends in front of The Med.

And saying bye to her friend Piper after lunch and a walk on the mall.

This week has been pretty uneventful except for we finally launched our yoga search engine, Shantibird! It's been a lot of work, but we're pretty happy with the results. If you know any yoga teachers, (other than me!) please pass it on!!

And have a great weekend!

1 comment:

sam said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! She looks adorable in her skirt.