Friday, September 4, 2009

The Big Eight-Ooooooh

Last week my grandpa celebrated his 80th birthday! What a milestone. We all got together for a BBQ at my Aunt Lara's house. Natalie loves it there. It's a house all about kids, toys, food, and family! I barely saw her the whole evening she was so busy going from cousin to cousin, and game to game. I swear, half the night she was playing in the toy kitchen in my cousin Makenzie's playhouse in the yard.

Here she is running off to the play set to check out the toys there.

And posing with Nick and Steph. They look great, but Nat's not smiling.

So they tried tickling her... not quite the perfect shot either. But cute.

The kid refused to eat with me, and just kept going over to my cousins to eat the fruit off of their plates, so eventually I succumbed and gave her her own plate at their "table". She really is getting independent!!

When it was time for cake, Natalie helped blow out the candles. Check out Grandpa's Harley cake! He just got back from Sturgis the week before! Not bad for 80!

And here she is about to head back in for her bath. It was already past her bedtime and we needed to wash the bug spray off of her before getting her off to bed. There was no way she'd still be awake by the time I got her home.

Natalie's bath drew quite a crowd in the kitchen! Good thing the kid's not shy!!

After chasing the naked (and amped!) baby around the house for a while, I finally cornered, diapered, and pajamaed her in Kenzie's room. She was really enjoying playing with all the toys and with Kenzie and her friend Hannah.

I'll give you three guesses, (and the first two don't count) how tough it was getting the over-tired Natalie out of that room!

But eventually, almost two hours after her bedtime, I did manage it! What a great party. Thanks Lara, and Happy Birthday Grandpa!!

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