Friday, September 11, 2009

playing catch up

Okay - so I couldn't get all the worthwhile pictures storied out this week, so here are the rest. We should be getting back from Texas today with a whole new crop of photos to share!

Peaches have been great! Natalie eats them whole. She's such a fresh peach and tomato fiend. I have to keep a close eye on her with the produce now. I handed her an avocado in the grocery store yesterday and she had a bite out of it while I was picking out my peppers! Not everything is as tasty as fresh peaches though.

Painting in the basement with dad.

And our crop from the garden! Natalie was very busy with a tomato, and then a carrot I'd wiped off. But then she saw me picking the grapes, and she dropped her carrot right back in the dirt and came running over! That poor white shirt! After the peaches, and the painting, the veggies were the last straw!

Early morning for members at the zoo! What a great day! I've never seen the animals so animated. We're watching the male lion here hanging out with his girls. I've only ever seen the lions limp, but they weren't that morning. It was nice and cool, and everyone was out to play.

Natalie was all monkeyed up that day. She even brought her little monkey toy. And in this shot she's looking at the monkeys! Very cool. When asked, she says that monkeys say "ah ah!". We tell her "ooh ooh, aah aah", but two syllables is still a stretch for her, so we're happy with that.

A few days later and it's story time again! DH came along with. And since I'm only half-brained these days, we accidentally showed up an hour early, (just in time for the baby story time session!) But it was a perfect day for kite flying, and I just happened to have my $3 grocery store special kite stashed in the car just in case the wind was right! And it sure was! What a perfect day for kite flying. You have to be prepared in Colorado, because the wind is usually either non-existent, or way too strong.
This shot was taken right before Natalie let go of the string, and the kite flew into a small tree in the library parking lot. Note to self - don't let babies hold kites alone.

Natalie was so happy to see Nupur and Aanya when they showed up! I love that she's got a little friend already!

And this story time went much smoother! Check out all those kids gathered for stories!

And at the end, the all "line up" to get a sticker! That trick still needs a bit of work.

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