Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tales for Tots

Natalie has graduated from Twinkle Babies story time at the library into Tales for Tots story time. We were right on the edge, so I figured we'd go up to the next level with Nupur and Aanya. Otherwise she'd be the oldest anyway, and what's there to learn from all those babies?

Gathering for stories was a new thing. But Natalie, ever independent, didn't hesitate when it came time to get off my lap! She was one of the first ones sitting.

A few of the kids really had a hard time being lapless: this little boy, (at least six months older than Nat) decided to sit on her lap!

It was pretty much chaos for most of the class. When it came time for shaky eggs, Natalie took a little break to watch the other kids.

I think story time will mellow out a bit when the kids get the hang of it. Or should I say, I hope!?

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