Thursday, November 5, 2009

not as planned

We had lots of plans for today, and it started off as scheduled. Our friends were coming over to play for the morning. The house tidy, we made some muffins, (with a lot of help from Betty). Natalie did a great job getting the cups in the pan.

And when the muffins were all done she enjoyed them as well.
Once her friends arrived, (three kids and their mommies) we all played great for a couple hours. There were snacks, and lots of toys out. The kids were having a ball, (once we removed all desputed toys to Natalie's room.)

Then, amidst the ruckus, came a thump, (not the first of the morning by any means), and the distinctive sound of my little Natalie crying. She usually falls and says "boom", but this was a very loud thump, and a very unhappy cry. We all rushed into the bedroom, where the four kids had just chased each other. Nat was sitting next to the bed, wailing. I picked her up and got a close look at her little face. It was split below the eyebrow on the left side and pretty bloody.

Here she is after I cleaned her up.

She was very unhappy. I cleaned her up as best I could, but she didn't like that at all. We pretty much cuddled while my great mommy friends cleaned up the house and skedaddled. She wasn't bleeding bad, had swelled instantly (that's good), and she hadn't lost consciousness, so the doctor wasn't' too worried, but wanted to see us within 8 hours. The lesion would probably just need some glue. Our appointment was in two hours - just enough time for a nap.

The cut was a bit too close to the eye for glue after all. So after a very traumatic doctor visit, where I held Nat's legs, and the nurse held her head, she came out with two stitches.
I was forgiven after just a handful of M&Ms, so more than the pain I think it was the indignity of being held that had her miffed.

Here she is after dinner a few hours later being pampered by her daddy. Another book maam? How about a fresh pacifier?
So the day ended well, but was a tough one for all involved. I'm ready to hit the sack myself after all that drama! I hope you all have a great Friday!

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