Monday, December 7, 2009

busy day out - Mazatlan

Our second day in Mexico started out like most of our days on the ship... goofing around in the room. Here's a shot of us playing "squish the baby" in front of the fully mirrored wall of our cabin.
We ran into my aunt and uncle and their kids up on deck, and planned out our day to meet on the beach after lunch.
Natalie loved running around with Kenz... though a little more manpower was required to actually bring her back in... this kid's got a very strong will.

Natalie fell asleep during the 10 minute bus ride to town. She really seemed to enjoy not being strapped into a carseat during our drives through Mexico - though I held onto her for dear life. We walked around the Golden Zone in Mazatlan, but really didn't feel it lived up to it's name. If we were ever to visit there again, we would spend our time in the historical district instead. It was much more interesting.
But we did enjoy a nice lunch. Note the second antique high chair... this one had a tray that swung out and didn't latch. Natalie enjoyed playing with it. But luckily she got distracted as usual when we put lunch in front of her... she loved these delicious, fresh tortillas we got everywhere, and didn't seem to mind if we stuffed them with beans.
Playing in the "sandbox"... about time to get on a swimsuit I think!
And look who we ran into on the beach!? Natalie was very excited.

Heading back from the beach in another van... Natalie fell asleep on Aunt Lara.
We had a nice nap when we got back, and a nice, healthy snack.
After dinner, Nan and Kenz watched Natalie while DH and I went to a show. The baby was asleep just before they came in, but pretty awake when we got back. They were watching cartoons.
Next up, Cabo!!

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