Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dear Santa

You are a hard guy to reach!

I just want to tell you
that I really want
a little toy kitchen
for Christmas!
And I've been so good.

Love, Natalie

Last weekend we made two attempts to visit the very busy head elf at two different malls.

In Cherry Creek Mall, which I remember from my childhood as having amazing decorations, and being The Mall to go to at Christmas, we, (really my DH) waited in for nearly an hour when we were told by Santa's elf that including Santa's lunch break, we had at least another hour and a half to go! We decided that Natalie would be asleep by then, or at least way too cranky for pictures, so we took a few ourselves, and hit the road.
The decor was cute, but nothing like my childhood memories. I guess that's always how it is. The next day we tried Flatirons Crossing mall when Santa opened. We hopped to the end of the line, and though, hey, this isn't so bad. Then we were told that that was just a break in the line, and the end of it was really way over there. Santa's elf had no idea how long the line would last. No thanks. Not for us.

So we waited 'till Wednesday when my DH had a day off. He really wanted to be there for Nat's first Santa experience.

To get ready for the event, we painted our nails with festive colors.
And dropped a letter in the mail to the big guy so he would remember.
At Macy's at 29th street they have a great Santa and do daily story times with him when they open. Natalie wasn't too into the two, long stories they read, but it got her somewhat comfortable with the big guy. After the crowds dispersed we got some time with him to ourselves. I sat with her on his lap first and we talked for a bit about what Natalie wanted for Christmas and how good she'd been.
And then we tried for some solo shots!
Not too bad!! I'm glad we finally got our chance to hang with Santa.


Lesley said...

So wonderful that she finally got to meet the big guy!

Rachel said...

How did she do last year? We took Delwyn to see Santa this year and he was definitely not a fan. He couldn't get away from Santa fast enough. This gives me hope that next year he might have a better experience! I'm thinking the story time must have helped :).