Wednesday, March 31, 2010

getting ready for a trip

We're heading to Austin later today. Still have a bit of packing to do, but we don't leave until this evening. Our flight takes off right at Nat's bedtime so we'll see how that works. And hopefully we can keep her asleep through all the baggage claim and rental car shenanigans. We'll see.

So I thought it was as good a time as any to catch you up on some pictures. We've had a great week since Natalie's birthday. The weather has flip flopped on us so many times, and it's about to again, (hot and windy yesterday, and supposed to have snow again by Friday!? Welcome to Spring in Colorado I guess.) I just hope my beautiful daffodils that are popping up aren't all gone by the time we get back next week!

Here is Natalie the morning after her birthday playing with her new paints. The "shark jammies" are her all time favorites.
And here she is watering her pea plants! She's very good about doing this every morning after breakfast! (Grandma, it's on you that these don't die while we're gone!)
A couple days after her birthday my aunt and cousins came to visit, since they couldn't make it over in the snow storm. The girls were on spring break. These are a few of Natalie's favorite people.
My DH is cooking!! This is one for the history books. Natalie is helping.
Natalie loves her new underwear.
She moves this stool around to get to all the things she's not supposed to be able to reach yet.
Here she is closing her eyes while my mom hides the afikomen at Passover. She spent the next half an hour trying to get down to go find it and win her prize until we finally let her.
Singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" after dinner. She wanted cake here since we were eating it, but really only for the ice cream she thinks goes with it.
And here is our new favorite game. Playing in the sink. Why didn't I think of this before?

She taught it to Aanya yesterday. How do you like their method to reach the sink?! They took turns using the garbage can; it was higher than the potty so became the more desirable play stool.
So that was our week! Natalie's new favorite word is "Myself". She says it when I try to help her do nearly everything, and often gets very frustrated with me if I don't let her do things herself. I think this newfound independence might be the beginning of the notorious terrible twos. Wish us luck!

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