Monday, March 22, 2010

overcoming the crud

For the past couple weeks this has been a sick house. But we are mostly coming through to the other side I think. First my DH and Natalie had coughs, and then I got a terrible sore throat. Then Natalie had an awful full-body outbreak of eczema. She is finally losing some of her red patches now and I am feeling better as well. Though my DH might be coming down with another cough. We'll stay clear of him for a while!

Anyway, that's my long-winded excuse for not posting any pictures! We have managed to get out and about, and even enjoy some of the nice weather we've gotten, (in between the snowy days.) So here are the few good pictures we managed to capture between runny noses an red eyes.

Natalie really enjoyed the lentil soup at the new Moroccan restaurant we tried in town. Doesn't she look cute with her towel over her left shoulder just like the real Moroccan's do it? Too bad it didn't keep the soup off the sweater.
Here she is wearing her new long skirt! Not the best wardrobe for soccer playing I know.
She likes to be right up in whatever I'm doing in the kitchen now, and her little stool is just not high enough. I need a bigger kitchen.
Here she is with our friends Erik and Renee's kids.
And again with their youngest, Megan, a couple days later at the zoo.
Later the same day doing some gardening.
And she likes to help make pizza now too. And by "help" I mean eat all the cheese and pepperoni off of it.
And here she is today stacking blocks. I can't wait 'till her hair gets longer. Hopefully it will be easier to keep out of her face. It doesn't seem to bother her, and she sure hates to wear clips or a headband. She's even gotten good at removing her rubber bands now. Just a couple more inches should do it.
So tomorrow Natalie turns 2! It astounds me how fast time goes. I'll post a couple pictures tomorrow.


sam said...

Happy Birthday Natalie! I can't believe two years have already gone by. I hope you're all feeling better too. Calvin and I have been sick most of the winter as well. We're ready to get outside and play too!

Rachel said...

It's good to know the germs cannot be deterred by state lines or oceans; we've been sick all winter as well. Glad to hear you guys are coming around, and a Happy Happy 2nd Birthday to Natalie! She is such a big girl now! Love hearing all the stories and seeing all the pics. Love and miss you guys!

Elaine said...

I, too, had allergies and a cough for several weeks. Glad it is over. Hard to believe that Natalie is 2 today. Happy Birthday and see you all real soon.

Lesley said...

Hope you all had a nice birthday!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh your daughter is adorable! love the cute photos.