Saturday, September 18, 2010

random cute

Some of these go a ways back to when we were still in the old house, but they really should be shared. after frosting cupcakes...
Enjoying her usual cheese stick after a visit to Vitamin Cottage.
At Lamar's donuts. Notice how Natalie ate all the frosting off of her donut. She was done after that.
Launching balls and paper wads at Nan and Grandpa's.

And not so cute, but she thought my mascara was lipstick - goes to show how often she's seen me put on mascara.
And this is just cute because it's how she plays. Each of her dollhouse dolls wanted to read their own magazine.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

These photos are great! I can't help it--I laughed out loud when I saw the mascara-lipstick. At least she wasn't putting lipstick on her eyes.