Friday, September 19, 2008

Pass the Pease Please!

N has officially moved on to "people food", (as we used to call it for Berlin!) Yesterday she had peas for the first time, and she did great! I expected her to make a face at the new flavor, but she just opened her mouth right back up for more. Isn't she clever!? I originally planned to wait for solids for her untill she was six months old, but she is so fascinated by watching us eat that it really seemed unfair to her to wait any longer. I think the first food tipping point came when I was holding her at a party last week and as I brought a bite of food up to my mouth, she opened hers. Poor little thing! Anyway, she loved her peas, and I'm excited to start introducing her to more foods! Stay tuned for Apple Sauce!!

Here are some pictures of our little epicurean! To celebrate the moment, we dressed her in what we'll now call her "My First Peas" outfit! Obviously it was made for this day, and we just didn't know it yet!! (Thanks Lesley for the cute onesie!!)

She did so well with her peas... much better than she does with cereal... she got some on her face, but almost none of it came back on her bib!! Gotta love the "pea mustache!" She's a genius I tell you!!

Open wide...

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