Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just another week in the Summer

Nothing particular to write about. We've been spending a lot of time on Shantibird. Check it out and pass it on to your yoga teacher! :)

Here's what Natalie does in the car.

There was a cold day and it was perfect for some Pho!

And then there were some really hot days - perfect for a play date with Aanya at the splash park!

Of course, the girls found the only muddy spot at the park, and spent most of their time there!

Aanya has learned to hold hands with her friends.... pretty cute, isn't it!

Here she is out garage sale'ing with us in front of a nicely landscaped yard!

One morning Natalie looked in the fridge and insisted on a Peperonchino pepper from the bottom shelf. Not my choice for breakfast, but who am I to judge?!

And here we are at the Neighborhood night out. Natalie got to check out a police car up close. Inside it she was only interested in the computer that was there. Our little button pusher.
And with all the excitement that night and the playground and sandbox so close, she just kept going back to the row of chairs lined up. Decisions decisions.
And here she is with her new morning toy. Playdoh! Why does it say ages 3 and up?! It's a new favorite!

That's it for now! I posted a whole months of pictures on Picasa! Check 'em out. And have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Love the expression after eating that pepper!