Tuesday, August 10, 2010

lazy days of Summer

Our days have been pretty full lately of packing our stuff up to move. I've been hesitant to write about it here so as not to jinx it, but our house had a couple offers on the eighth day it was on the market, and the sale closes on the 16th, (next Monday!) so we're moving out this weekend! Of course our house is still little more than a hole in the ground, so we're moving in with my mom for a couple weeks, and then moving again into her not-as-yet-quite-vacant condo. Poor Natalie has been a bit stressed with all the packing, and not sleeping very well. She also keeps asking where stuff has gone, and "taking things to storage" has become a regular part of her play vocabulary.

There are a few crazy months ahead of us! Hopefully Fall will bring with it some fun new activities. We're looking forward to more swimming, plus dance and gym classes. That should keep her busy little brain and body occupied.

We also should get out hiking more, because it is so nice in the Fall. Here's a shot of Natalie being the ultimate Boulder girl. This trip also included her first "pooping in the woods" experience. But don't tell Boulder Mountain Parks Services! And no... she's not wearing diapers anymore... at least not when she's awake!
And here's Natalie at my mom's house helping water the garden. It will be very hard leaving my garden in mid Summer when everything is fruiting, but at least we'll have this one to share for a bit!
What fun is watering the garden if you don't get a bit wet!?

And here is her "first day of school" portrait. She wasn't actually going anywhere special that day, but she was happy to pose for the picture when I told her how cute she looked in the outfit!
I have more pictures I'm going to try to post before we dismantle my computer for the move. Stay tuned!

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