Friday, October 8, 2010

Terrible Twos?

Don't get me wrong; Natalie is a joy. But she's really starting to understand and exert her independence these days.

Maybe we've got her in too many activities... she loves dance so far and has yet to resist that, (knock on wood) but she has refused entirely to get in the swimming pool for lessons, (she sat and watched the whole 30 minutes). We thought that one might be boring compared to her old pool, so we switched back, and she's pulled a similar stunt - getting out halfway through the lesson - at the new pool on the second day. That was after a full class where she couldn't stop calling out to me from the pool, "Mommy, I'm having fun!"

She also has stopped going down all slides over two feet high, and she refuses about half of the activities during gym class, (won't somersault any more or roll over the bars or walk the balance beam more than once.) And her new favorite phrase is "I don't want to!" Often followed by a dramatic throwing of herself on the floor. The ladies in the office at the rec center, (where she used to practically be the mascot and the jelly bean jar was known as "Natalie's Jelly Beans") have said she's like a different kid. She doesn't talk to them, and covers her face and goes into a corner, even though it means no sweets!

So I know it's probably just a phase, and very often we do have lots of fun and Nat is great, but she's also the most stubborn kid I've ever met! She will sit in time out, (where she goes with no fuss!) for 20 minutes before saying "sorry". Maybe it's the baby coming... she it aware beyond most kids her age about the new baby and what it might mean. Or it might be the living situation, though we've all settled in quite nicely I feel. But whatever it is, hopefully it will pass soon.

If these three can get along then anything can happen!


sam said...

Oh the things I have to look forward to! I sometimes feel Calvin is exerting his independence already and he can't even speak! I'm sure things will change once baby #2 arrives. I'm so excited to hear the news! We're thinking of you over here across the pond.

Rachel said...

She's an aries. AND she's two. Probably she is a little freaked out about moving and the new baby, etc. I would say with the swim lessons and other stuff she's not into...just take a break for now (if you can get a refund). You can always pick it back up again later. Another thing I always found good with the two year olds is to give them what I like to call You Get to Choose! So, in a situation like getting dressed, for instance, you present her with 2 choices (never more than 2, it's too stressful), "Do you want to wear the RED tights or the BLUE tights? You get to choose!" Or while you're getting dinner ready, "What vegetable do you want to eat tonight--carrots or peas? You get to choose!" it makes them feel like they have control over something here and there and they have less opposition to non-negotiable things like, oh, bedtime and playing in traffic.