Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mr. Happy

So I can only honestly consider Jackson happy for about 50% of his waking time... the other half of the time I'm trying to get him to wait just a few more minutes to try to space out his seemingly constant feedings, (if he goes three hours between feedings it's a success... 2.5 and I still feel like I've won the battle!) or I'm bouncing him back to sleep after his uncomfortable gas has woken him up!

But for that hour when he's happy... he's just so darn cute and loveable! I have a lot of pictures like this...

And you may wonder what Natalie was doing during this photo shoot. Well she came downstairs from her nap, blankie in hand, one ponytail in and one out, to find Crazy Mommy on the floor in front of the fireplace blowing rasberries at The Boy. She positioned herself to watch and laugh.
Of course, when Jackson's not awake being either cute or sad, he's blissfully asleep.


Lesley said...

What a cutie!

Rachel said...

So cute Robyn! Thanks for sharing your precious boy (and girl!) with us.