Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day

We had a lovely Father's day, hanging out around the house, and working in the garden.

In the morning my DH was taking care of Natalie while I was in the shower... When I was done, she walked in like this. She had 'picked out' some clothes from her clean laundry, and he had helped her put them on.

It turned out to be a day of many outfits anyway... I guess that's one of the hazards of strawberry season. So here they are a little while later, working in the garden.

Baby carrots for the baby girl. Gardening is so much fun!

After a while it was time to get out of the hot sun. Natalie had a great time playing in the water on the deck. Though her sodden clothes called for yet another outfit!

Maybe letting her splash in the water on the deck wasn't such a good idea; she seems to think that all bowls of water left out are for her to play in now. We're staying at my dad's house and she's been trying to play in the dog water, and maybe even drink it! She's only overturned it once. It's a crazy house here I have to tell you!!

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