Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Visitors From Austin, Part Three: Pearl Street

Yes, you heard me right. We took our house guests to Pearl Street yet again. I could go there every day just to enjoy the people watching and the fresh air. And hopefully you feel that way too, because when you come to visit us, I guarantee we'll take you there too!

But never let it be said that we don't know how to treat guests. We actually put Ev and Elaine to work in the yard on Sunday!! Yep. We girls got quite a bit of weeding done, and the boys went and got two loads of mulch, and moved a bunch of old sod out of the yard to be hauled away.

Here's a shot of us weeding. There's still tons to do, since the weeds are rampant due to all the rain we've been getting, but we made some good headway in the hours we spent out in the yard.
Natalie supervised. As usual. Soon I'll be putting those tiny fingers to work. Just you wait, kid!

And to thank them for all their hard work during the day, we let Mama Elaine and Papa Ev take us out to dinner at the Med! Yum! We got a prime seat on the patio, and made it in time for their terrific happy hour deal. Can't beat those $5 Margarita Pizzas and all the delicious tapas!

Natalie agrees! It's the best!

See that? Two pizzas! And so many tapas, and yummy salads, and sangrias!! What a feast.

Thanks Ev and Elaine! What a treat. Can't wait to go back.

And after gorging ourselves, we needed to walk it off a bit on the mall. The weather was perfect. Seemed like all the tulips were gone, but there were some beautiful new flowers to check out in all the beds, and there were plenty of buskers to watch.

Posing on Pearl Street Mall.

We had to stop to give Natalie a chance to work off some of her dinner playing on the rocks. She just loves to slide down the big one. It'll be nice when she can climb up it herself. Until then it's a workout for mom and dad too!

We stopped to watch this act... They were pretty funny. Here they are promising to tighten the rope around the (volunteer) girl's neck until her face turns blue and her head pops off!!

Natalie got a little more exercise pushing her stroller around. This seems to be a new favorite activity of her's.

She wasn't sure what to make of the copper-toned cowboy statue though.

Another one of those three-generation shots. I love those.

And to finish it off, a shot of me and my baby!

What a great day! The yard looks great, and we've got some good leftovers in the fridge!

We had a lovely visit with Todd's parents, and can't wait for them to come out again and see us soon!! Hopefully we'll get out to Austin sometime before Christmas and see you all there!

If you want more pictures (mostly of Natalie), check out the slideshow on the right. It should link you to my Picasa site, which is now up-to-date, with a very full album containing pictures from the last couple months! Sorry for the lack of separation, but I was just lucky to get them all uploaded! Now I need to make a bit more space on there, so all the videos will be going away.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

As you can tell we had a great trip! We are missing the cooler temperature since we are back home in Texas.