Monday, June 15, 2009

Visiting from Austin, Part One: A Hike

It's been over a week since I last posted, but we've been busy so I have lots of great pictures to share. My DH's dad and stepmom came to visit last Thursday evening so we did all of our favorite things with them and had a really great long weekend. Since there are so many things to show you, I'm going to split my pictures up into at least three different posts.

My DH took Thursday off 'cause at first we weren't sure when our guests were arriving. That meant I had him home all Thursday, and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse: He'd watch Natalie so I could have some time for myself!! I took that great two hour long yoga class at Om Time in Boulder that I missed so long ago. So I started off the week feeling really great! Thanks babe!!

On the first night Mama Elaine and Papa Ev were with us we went to Pearl Street (you don't have to act surprised. I know I'm predictable.) and had a nice dinner at Antica Roma. The next morning we set off to Rocky Mountain National Park for a little hike.

There's still quite a bit of snow in many parts of the park, so we went to the Hollowell Park area of RMNP and there wasn't any snow there. We were told we might see some wild turkeys in this area, but the only thing we saw were some interesting blue birds.

Natalie kept looking around to find me since I wasn't carrying her. Daddy got a good workout that day.

And here they are: my two favorite people!! This area of the park was really beautiful. I'd never hiked here before. The trail we were on hooks onto the trail I hiked last week with my dad, but the terrain looks quite a bit different. It was so lush. Probably because of all the precipitation we've been getting, but some parts of RMNP are just like that.

Some of the steps we climbed... the trail was mostly flat, but there were a couple sections like this. Still so pretty. We saw some beaver stumps along the trail, but since none of us wanted to get our feet wet, we didn't get to see the beavers or their dams.

We did see some pretty lady's slippers orchids in the forest! I had a hard time getting a clear picture of them... though I have lots of crisp pictures of pine needles...

My hiking companions were being very patient with me while I tried though!! Crazy Robyn!

We had a tough time finding a place for lunch, so we picnicked on the path. There were quite a few mosquitoes there but luckily, not too many other hikers, even though the park seemed pretty busy that day.

And as per her normal MO, Natalie had a little nap on the way back.

Once we got to the car it started pounding rain and sleet. Our timing was perfect because we only felt a few drops on our hike. We wanted to walk around Bear Lake a bit so we waited the rain out in the parking lot.

But it cleared up and we had a nice walk around Bear Lake.

Natalie even got a little bit of climbing in.
And she did a bit of walking too. I feel a bit bad for her getting shuffled from carseat to carrier to stroller all the time. Poor kid needs some exercise!!

Here's the crew on the backside of the lake... it was just starting to rain again. You can see the drops on the water.

Here we are racing to take shelter across the snow bank. Yes. You heard me. A snow bank in the middle of June! But we knew there'd be snow, because the trail we were considering taking was still under FIVE FEET of snow!!

We were done hiking, so we stopped in Estes Park for a bit of fudge to take home for later. That town is literally lined with candy and ice cream shops!

And then on the way out of town we got a couple shots from the scenic overlook as you enter town.

Half-way home we stopped at Oscar Blues in Lyons. This place has great Cajun food and burgers. Plus it's just kind of fun. If we'd stuck around a few more hours we could have heard some live music too!
But Natalie had had enough of coloring, and had eaten her fill of sweet potato fries so it was time to head home and eat our fudge.

Stay tuned to hear about our trip to the aquarium, and how we put our visitors to work!

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