Monday, June 22, 2009

Walkin' the Dogs

Looks like I have some catching up to do! We'll start with some pictures from last Tuesday.

As you well know, every Monday my dad takes Natalie for a walk with the dogs while I teach yoga. Well, last Tuesday I joined them both for a walk at one of their usual hang outs, the Teller Farm Trail on Boulder Open Space Property.

Natalie is very used to having the dogs in the car with her. I think she gets a kick out of them. I was worried about them licking her to death in the beginning, but after they get settled, they just lie down next to her, or stick their heads out the windows.

The dogs get to go off leash on these trails as long as they're withing voice and site control. We have been stopped by rangers before, but these dogs are so good. They sit when we tell them to, no matter how far away, or how quietly we say it. It's great when bicycles pass. They'll park it right in the field and wait for an "okay".

Simon is pretty stick crazy. Natalie gets a kick out of watching him chase the stick, and Rudy makes things more interesting by chasing Simon whenever he goes after one

She gets a bit sick of being in the stroller after a while, so Grandpa spoiled her by giving her a ride on his shoulders.

But since it was pretty sunny and she wasn't under cover anymore, he had to give up his hat too!

On the way back we passed some horses that had come close to the fence. And since the grass is always greener on the other side, we offered them some from our side. They were pretty excited about it , and we drew a crowd.

Natalie thought these guys were pretty interesting. This one was a pretty young colt and I'm not sure if he'd ever seen such a small person!

She even pulled some weeds and tried to give them to him, but he couldn't reach her.

So Grandpa gave her a lift and let her feed him.

What a fun walk! After looking at the trail map when we got home, I figure we went about 4 miles that day!

When we got back to Grandpa's house, Natalie made herself at home playing in the cupboards.

And the stereo cabinet.

And the piano, (she even climbed up onto the bench herself! Gotta keep an eye on that one!)

It's a good thing she's so comfortable here, because starting tomorrow, we're staying at Grandpa's house for a week to keep an eye on the dogs while he's out of town! We'll have a few more walks like this this week for sure!

And before we leave, I'll try and get some posts in order to fill you in on the rest of our week!

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