Sunday, June 7, 2009

Garage Sale Day

Yesterday was garage sale day in my mom's neighborhood.  For those participating, it was actually a three day long event, (or more!)  On Friday I brought all my stuff to my mom's house and helped set up in the garage.

Saturday morning Natalie and I went to hang out in the neighborhood and check out some of the sales.  Here she is playing on one of her favorite toys at Grandma's house... It's a cute little car that my mom found at a garage sale a while ago.  Now Natalie knows just where to find it in the house when we visit!

Here she is a little later, reading one of the many books we picked up.  I had her stroller filled with so many books that I had a hard time pushing it some of the steeper driveways!! 

After the long day of strolling around the large neighborhood, greeting people and dogs, and picking out new books, we went to the park.  Natalie is getting very good at getting up to the slide, and going down, all by herself.  She wasn't paying attention and missed a step, (crawling) and skinned her chin.  Here's a close up of her battle wound.  

She was tough though and went down the slide a couple more times, then did some swinging and some playing in the sand before we took her home.  This kid loves to be outside!

And here's one last photo.... she's playing with another great garage sale purchase - it's a deck of cards for go-fish with two cards for each letter of the alphabet.  She loves these things.  I like this picture because she just looks like such a kid in it!!  

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