Thursday, October 15, 2009

going up

Here are a few more pics, again from before the weather got icky! Natalie had a great time at the Itty Bitty City in Longmont, where we met my friend Jill and her daughter Izzy who's just over a month younger than Nat.

These two are so close in age, and look so alike that a couple people asked if they were twins! We had a great time running around with them after lunch. The girls chased each other around the restaurant and Natalie showed Izzy how to climb up onto benches.

Later that evening, we met my DH for dinner, and tried out one of the new playgrounds at the mall. It had a fun climbing structure, and Natalie is really getting the hang of it.
She also is gaining confidence going down slides on her bottom instead of her belly! She's pretty proud of herself!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yay Izzy and Natalie!