Wednesday, October 14, 2009

down on the farm

Now I'm really getting out of order, but I had to share these pics before they got too out of season! Last week, just before the weather went South, we stopped at a little farm to check out the animals there. It was on our way home from the gym, and the forecast was pretty bad for the next day, so we took advantage of the sunshine and stopped.

It really was a nice day and a great place to visit with kids if you're around Boulder. Totally free, with a pumpkin patch if you wanted to commemorate the visit.

First we checked out the litter of kittens.

And then the donkeys and goats.

And lastly, the very large black and white cow! Lots of good animal sounds to practice.

We topped the visit off with a wagon ride to pick out a pumpkin...

and then we got lost in the corn maze!

It looks like the weather might be getting nice again for the rest of the week, so maybe we'll go again. We still need to get some more pumpkins before Halloween, so I'm sure there's another pumpkin patch in our near future!

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