Friday, October 2, 2009

Texas part duex.

So, where did we leave off yesterday? Oh yes, we were on our way to the beach! It was a few hours of driving and then we were there. The weather was great that day so we decided to make the most of our afternoon, stretch our legs, and head to the beach.

Here's Nat and her daddy by the hotel pool all set to play in the sand!

I think I see some sand...

And there she is... our little beach girl. She couldn't get enough of the giant sand box, and really liked to play right where the water washed over her once in a while. Not very conducive to camera longevity though so no pics of that.

Ready to clean up and get some dinner.

Every time we went to the beach we would stop and check out the turtles by the boardwalk.

The next morning we brought some bread for the seagulls we had saved from dinner the night before. So I can never remember, is it seagulls or pigeons that are rats with wings? Help me out here New Yorkers... I know you have an opinion about this.

Here's our hotel in the background.

After our morning nap, we went back onto the main land to try out another beach, but first we grabbed some fajitas.
The wind was picking up, and it was starting to drizzle, so we pretty much had the beach to ourselves.
Natalie still enjoyed playing in the sand.

The next morning we had to have one last walk on the beach. It was very rainy, so we were all pretty wet in the end. But it was still warm.

We got back to Austin, and met the fam for some dinner at Chuey's. We can't go to Austin without eating there!! Natalie ran around with the kids fetching fresh out of the machine tortillas, and then she got passed around for a bit. One more evening with her cousins.

It was a great trip. We were stuffed full of yummy food, and it was great to see all the family. Natalie has all of her cousins' names down now, though it will be a while before she gets all of the adults. Probably mostly because so many of them start with "k" sounds and she is still hesitating there.

I now have a working computer again, so I have very few real excuses to not get some more pictures up. I'll aim to have new posts up every week day next week. Have a great weekend!

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