Wednesday, April 22, 2009

so that's what those things are for!

Natalie so far has two small teeth in the bottom center of her mouth.  These two elusive teeth have only been caught on camera once, and the shot was so blurry that their existence was still in doubt. 

Today after lunch we were enjoying some apple and mango bits.  I showed Natalie how she could scrape the fruit off the peel using just her two bottom teeth.  She didn't like my hands in her mouth at first and was all ready to throw a fit.  But when she realized what I was doing she laughed and laughed.  What a good joke!  Those two sharp little things in her mouth were actually good for something.  

Well, she didn't get very far with the apple, but with the thickly cut mango skins scored, she was able to clean off three or four large strips!

And while she was working on the apple, I got this bit of video!  If you're paying attention, you can spot her teeth!! 


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