Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Best Toys

Isn't it funny... that trick of human nature that makes you want whatever the other guy's got?! Well our little Sweetpea has that gene, just like the rest of us. She has more toys than any kid I've ever met!! She's got them in every room of our house. Even the bathrooms. But what does she want to play with? Well, whatever Mom and Dad are playing with, of course! We talk on the phone, or cell phone, and she wants that. We work on the computer, and she wants to play with the keyboard and mouse too!!

We are clearly not the first people to encounter this iwantwhatyouhaveist baby persuasion. They make baby cell phones (we have one), car keys (got those too), and you name it! And they are good.... we like them. But they're not the same.

So when we got a new cell phone, Sweetpea got the old one. And when we talk on the cordless, she chews on our old one of those too, (complete with base!) Even as I type now, at my feet, our budding writer is (literally) pounding on the keys of her own keyboard!

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